Amstrad-CPC 6128

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Nombre de jeux 475
Nombre de scans 2534
Revues de presse 12
Note moyenne 13.33
Année de sortie 1985
Constructeur Amstrad
Génération 0

TOP 10 des Jeux Amstrad-CPC 6128

Xyphoes Fantasy #1 - Xyphoes Fantasy
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Action
Smash T.V. #2 - Smash T.V.
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Action
Sly Spy : Secret Agent #3 - Sly Spy : Secret Agent
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Action
Sim City #4 - Sim City
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Gestion
Airborne Ranger #5 - Airborne Ranger
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Action
Batman : The Caped Crusader #6 - Batman : The Caped Crusader
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Plates-formes
Pick'n Pile #7 - Pick'n Pile
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Puzzle game
Slap Fight #8 - Slap Fight
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Shoot\'em\'Up
Sorcerer Lord #9 - Sorcerer Lord
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Stratégie
Quartet #10 - Quartet
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Action

Jeux Amstrad-CPC 6128 populaires

Batman : The Caped Crusader #1 - Batman : The Caped Crusader
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Plates-formes
10Th Frame #2 - 10Th Frame
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Sport
1815 #3 - 1815
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Stratégie
Western Games #4 - Western Games
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Sport
3D Boxing #5 - 3D Boxing
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Sport
3D Grand Prix (UbiSoft) #6 - 3D Grand Prix (UbiSoft)
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Course
Basket Master #7 - Basket Master
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Sport
Ace Of Aces #8 - Ace Of Aces
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Simulateur de vol
1943 : The Battle Of Midway #9 - 1943 : The Battle Of Midway
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Shoot\'em\'Up
3D Fight #10 - 3D Fight
Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Shoot\'em\'Up

Tous les Jeux Video Amstrad-CPC 6128

1000 Bornes Accessoire 1990 N/C
1001 B.C : A Mediterranean Odyssey Aventure 1986 N/C
10Th Frame Sport 1986 N/C
1815 Stratégie 1985 N/C
1942 Shoot\'em\'Up 1986 N/C
1943 : The Battle Of Midway Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 N/C
1N2 Autres 1987 N/C
20000 Lieues Sous Les Mers Aventure 1988 N/C
2112 AD Action 1986 N/C
3D Boxing Sport 1985 N/C
3D Construction Kit Autres 1991 N/C
3D Fight Shoot\'em\'Up 1985 N/C
3D Grand Prix (Amsoft Gold) - Fr Course 1985 N/C
3D Grand Prix (Amsoft Gold) - Uk Course 1985 N/C
3D Grand Prix (UbiSoft) Course 1989 N/C
3D Pool Billard 1989 N/C
3D Stunt Rider - Fr Sport 1985 N/C
3D Stunt Rider - Uk Sport 1985 N/C
3D Voice Chess Jeu d'échecs 1985 N/C
4x4 Off-Road Racing Course 1988 N/C
720 ° Sport 1988 N/C
A 320 Aventure 1988 N/C
A D & D : Dragons Of Flame Jeu de Rôle 1990 N/C
A D & D : Heroes Of The Lance Jeu de Rôle 1988 N/C
A Question Of Scruples : The Computer Edition Quizz Game 1987 N/C
A Question Of Sport Quizz Game 1988 N/C
A.D.S. : Advanced.Destroyer.Simulator Simulation 1990 N/C
A.M.C. : Astro Marine Corps Run & Gun 1989 N/C
A.T.F : Advanced Tactical Fighter Simulation 1988 N/C
Abracadabra Aventure 1988 N/C
Academy : Tau Ceti II Simulation 1988 N/C
ACE Simulateur de vol 1986 N/C
ACE 2 Simulateur de vol 1987 N/C
Ace Of Aces Simulateur de vol 1987 N/C
Acro Jet : Simulation De Vol Acrobatique Simulateur de vol 1986 N/C
Acro Jet The Advanced Flight Simulator Simulateur de vol 1986 N/C
Action Fighter Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 N/C
Action Force : International Heroes Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 N/C
Activator Action 1986 N/C
Adidas Championship Tie Break Sport 1990 N/C
African Trail Simulator Course 1990 50%
After Burner Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 N/C
After The War Action 1990 N/C
Airborne Ranger Action 1988 80%
Airwolf Action 1985 N/C
Alex Higgins ' World Pool Billard 1985 N/C
Alex Higgins ' World Snooker Billard 1985 N/C
Alien Stratégie 1985 N/C
Alien Highway : Encounter 2 Action 1985 N/C
Alien Storm Action 1991 N/C
Aliens : The Computer Game Action 1986 N/C
Aliens : The Computer Game (Version Us) Action 1987 N/C
Alive Aventure 1991 N/C
Alphakhor Aventure 1989 N/C
Altered Beast Beat\'em\'All 1989 N/C
Alternative World Games Sport 1987 N/C
Amelie Minuit Aventure 1985 N/C
APB Course 1989 N/C
Basket Master Sport 1987 N/C
Batman Plates-formes 1986 N/C
Batman : The Caped Crusader Plates-formes 1988 75%
Battle Of The Bulge Stratégie 1990 N/C
Bobo Action 1988 N/C
Bumpy Action 1989 N/C
By Fair Means Or Foul Sport 1988 N/C
F-15 Strike Eagle Simulateur de vol 1987 N/C
Grand Prix Rally II Course 1985 N/C
Gunship Simulation 2025 N/C
Infernal House Aventure 1991 N/C
Inside Outing Action 1987 N/C
J.R.R. Tolkien's War In Middle Earth Stratégie 1987 N/C
La Formule Plates-formes 1986 N/C
La Guerre Des Étoiles : L'Empire Contre... Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 N/C
La Panthère Rose Action 1988 N/C
Le 5ème Axe Action 1985 N/C
Leather Goddesses Of Phobos Aventure 1986 N/C
Little Computer People : Discovery Kit Gestion 1987 N/C
L' Affaire Vera Cruz Aventure 1985 N/C
L' Héritage : Panique à Las Vegas Aventure 1986 N/C
L'Armure Sacrée D' Antiriad Plates-formes 1986 N/C
Macrocosmica Gestion 1986 N/C
Mad Mix Game : The Pepsi Challenge Action 1988 N/C
Marche à l'Ombre Aventure 1987 N/C
Pegasus Bridge Stratégie 1987 N/C
Pepe Bequilles Aventure 1987 N/C
Peter Beardsley's International Football Sport 1988 N/C
Peur Sur Amityville Aventure 1987 N/C
Phantom Club Action 1988 N/C
Phenix Noir Aventure 2023 N/C
PHM Pegasus : Patrol Hydrofoil Missile Craft... Simulation 1988 N/C
Pick'n Pile Puzzle game 1990 70%
Ping Pong Sport 1985 N/C
Pink Panther Action 1988 N/C
Pipe Mania !! Réflexion 1990 N/C
Pit-Fighter Combat 1991 N/C
Planetfall Aventure 1986 N/C
Platoon Action 1987 N/C
Pop-Up Action 1990 N/C
Poseïdon Aventure 1985 N/C
Potsworth & Co Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Pouvoir Stratégie 1986 N/C
Power Drift Course 1989 N/C
Predator Action 1988 N/C
Predator 2 Tir 1991 N/C
Prehistorik Plates-formes 1991 N/C
Prehistorik 2 Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Prince Of Persia Plates-formes 1990 N/C
Prince Of Persia (France) Plates-formes 1990 N/C
Prodigy Action 1986 N/C
Profanation Action 1987 N/C
Profession Détective Aventure 1987 N/C
Prohibition Tir 1987 N/C
PSI-5 Trading Company Gestion 1987 N/C
Psyborg Course 1992 N/C
Psycho Pigs UXB Action 1988 N/C
Pub Games Party game 1987 N/C
Puffy's Saga Action 1989 N/C
Pulsator Action 1987 N/C
Punchy Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Purple Saturn Day Action 1989 N/C
Puzznic Puzzle game 1990 N/C
Pyjamarama - Amsoft Action 1984 N/C
Quack A Jack Réflexion 1984 N/C
Quad Course 1987 N/C
Quadrel Réflexion 1991 N/C
Quartet Action 1987 50%
Questor Action 1986 N/C
R-Type Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 N/C
R.B.I Two Baseball Accessoire 1991 N/C
Raffles Action 1987 N/C
Raid Shoot\'em\'Up 1985 N/C
Raid Sur Ténéré Course 1985 N/C
Rainbow Islands Plates-formes 1989 N/C
Rally II Communication 1985 N/C
Rambo III Action 1988 N/C
Rampage Action 1987 N/C
Ramparts Action 1987 N/C
Rana Rama Réflexion 1987 N/C
Rastan Plates-formes 1988 N/C
Ray Tobey's Skyfox Simulateur de vol 1987 N/C
Red Arrows Simulateur de vol 1985 N/C
Red Heat Beat\'em\'All 1989 N/C
Red L.E.D Puzzle game 1987 N/C
Relief Action Aventure 1987 N/C
Renegade Beat\'em\'All 1987 N/C
Renegade III : The Final Chapter Beat\'em\'All 1989 N/C
Revolution Puzzle game 1986 N/C
Rex Plates-formes 1989 N/C
Rick Dangerous Plates-formes 1989 N/C
Rick Dangerous 2 Plates-formes 1990 N/C
Road Blasters Action 1988 N/C
Road Runner Action 1985 N/C
Robinson Crusoé Aventure 1987 N/C
RoboCop Action 1989 N/C
Robozone Action 1991 N/C
Rock Star Ate My Hamster - Codemasters Gold Gestion 1989 N/C
Rock'n Roll Puzzle game 1989 N/C
Rodland Plates-formes 1991 N/C
Roland Ahoy ! Action 1984 N/C
Roland Goes Digging Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Roland In Space Plates-formes 1985 N/C
Roland In The Caves Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Roland In Time Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Roland On The Ropes Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Roland On The Run Action 1984 N/C
Rolling Thunder Action 1987 N/C
Room Ten Casse Briques 1986 N/C
Run The Gauntlet Sport 1989 N/C
Rygar : Let's Fight ! Plates-formes 1987 N/C
S.T.U.N. Runner Course 1991 N/C
Saboteur Action 1986 N/C
Saboteur II : Avenging Angel Action 1987 N/C
Sai Combat Combat 1986 N/C
Sai Combat - Mirrorsoft Combat 1986 N/C
Sailing Course 1987 N/C
Salamander Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 N/C
Samantha Fox : Strip Poker + 7 Card Stud Jeu de cartes 1986 N/C
Samurai Trilogy Combat 1987 N/C
Samurai Warrior : The Battles Of ... Usagi... Beat\'em\'All 1988 N/C
Sapiens Aventure 1986 N/C
Saracen Action 1987 N/C
Satan Plates-formes 1989 N/C
Satellite Warrior Aventure 1985 N/C
Savage Action 1988 N/C
Scalextric Course 1986 N/C
Scapeghost Aventure 1989 N/C
Scooby-Doo Plates-formes 1986 N/C
Scramble Spirits Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 N/C
Seastalker : Dive Deep Into Danger Aventure 1986 N/C
Sepulcri Action 1986 N/C
Shackled Action 1988 N/C
Shadow Dancer Plates-formes 1991 N/C
Shadow Of The Beast Plates-formes 1990 N/C
Shadow Warriors Beat\'em\'All 1990 N/C
Shadowfire Jeu de Rôle 1986 N/C
Shao-Lin's Road Beat\'em\'All 1986 N/C
Sherman M4 Simulation 1990 N/C
Shinobi Plates-formes 1989 N/C
Shockway Rider Sport 1986 N/C
Shogun Action 1986 N/C
Short Circuit Action 1987 N/C
Shufflepuck Café Sport 1989 N/C
Side Arms Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 N/C
Sigma 7 Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 N/C
Silent Service : The Submarine Simulation Simulation 1986 N/C
Silkworm Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 N/C
Silva Aventure 1992 N/C
Sim City Gestion 1989 80%
Sito Pons : 500Cc Grand Prix Course 1990 N/C
Skaal Aventure 1987 N/C
Skate Crazy Action 1988 N/C
Skate Or Die Sport 1989 N/C
Skateball Sport 1989 N/C
Skull & Crossbones Beat\'em\'All 1991 N/C
Skweek Puzzle game 1989 N/C
Skweek - U.S.Gold Puzzle game 1989 N/C
Sky Hunter Aventure 1988 N/C
Skyfox Simulateur de vol 1985 N/C
Skyx Puzzle game 1988 N/C
Slaine From 2000 A.D Aventure 1988 N/C
Slap Fight Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 60%
Slapshot Sport 1985 N/C
Sliders Accessoire 1991 N/C
Sly Spy : Secret Agent Action 1990 85%
Smash T.V. Action 1991 90%
Snooker Sport 1984 N/C
Snowstrike : Mission Zone Colombia - Mission... Simulateur de vol 1990 N/C
Soccer ' 86 Sport 1986 N/C
Soleil Noir Action 1988 N/C
Solomon's Key Action 1987 N/C
Sonic Boom Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 N/C
Sorcerer Aventure 1984 N/C
Sorcerer Lord Stratégie 1987 55%
Sorcery + Action 1985 N/C
Souls Of Darkon Aventure 1985 N/C
Space Crusade Stratégie 1992 N/C
Space Harrier Shoot\'em\'Up 1986 N/C
Space Harrier II Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 N/C
Space Hawks Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Space Racer Course 1988 N/C
Space Shuttle : A Journey Into Space Simulateur de vol 1986 N/C
Spannerman Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Sphaira Aventure 1989 N/C
Spherical Puzzle game 1990 N/C
Spindizzy Puzzle game 1986 N/C
Spitfire '40 Simulateur de vol 1985 N/C
Spitfire '40 - Amsoft Gold Simulateur de vol 1986 N/C
Spitting Image Combat 1988 N/C
Splat ! Adresse 1985 N/C
Split Personalities Puzzle game 1986 N/C
Sporting Triangles Quizz Game 1989 N/C
Spy Vs Spy Action 1985 N/C
Spy Vs Spy : The Island Caper Action 1987 N/C
Spy Vs Spy III : Arctics Antics Action 1987 N/C
SRAM Aventure 1986 N/C
SRAM 2 Aventure 1987 N/C
ST Dragon Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 N/C
Stainless Steel Action 1986 N/C
Stairway To Hell Plates-formes 1986 N/C
Star Control Stratégie 1990 N/C
Star Raiders II : The Great Galactic Adventure... Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 N/C
Star Wars Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 N/C
Star Wars : Return Of The Jedi Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 N/C
Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 N/C
Starfox Shoot\'em\'Up 2023 N/C
Starglider Simulation 1986 N/C
Starring Charlie Chaplin Action 1987 N/C
Starstrike II - Gold Edition Shoot\'em\'Up 1986 N/C
Stationfall Aventure 1987 N/C
Steve Davis Snooker Sport 1986 N/C
Steve McQueen Westphaser Tir 1991 N/C
Stifflip & Co Autres 1987 N/C
Stir Crazy Featuring Bobo Action 1988 N/C
Stormlord Plates-formes 1989 N/C
Strangeloop + Action 1986 N/C
Street Fighter Combat 1988 N/C
Street Machine Course 1986 N/C
Street Sports Basketball Sport 1988 N/C
Strider Plates-formes 1989 N/C
Strider 2 Accessoire 1990 N/C
Strike Force Harrier Simulateur de vol 1986 N/C
Strip Poker Adultes 1985 N/C
Stryfe Action 1987 N/C
Stunt Car Racer Course 1990 N/C
Subterranean Stryker Shoot\'em\'Up 1985 N/C
Sun Star Action 1987 N/C
Super Cars Course 1990 N/C
Super Cauldron Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Super Cycle - D3M Software Course 1986 N/C
Super Cycle - Epyx Course 1986 N/C
Super Flippard Action 1987 N/C
Super Geodyssee Aventure 1986 N/C
Super Hang-On Course 1987 15%
Super Monaco G.P. Course 1991 N/C
Super Pipeline II - Amsoft Puzzle game 1985 N/C
Super Pipeline II - Taskset Puzzle game 1985 N/C
Super Scramble Simulator Course 1989 N/C
Super Ski Sport 1987 N/C
Super Skweek Puzzle game 1990 N/C
Super Sprint Course 1987 N/C
Super Trux Course 1988 N/C
Super Wonderboy In Monsterland Accessoire 1989 N/C
Superman : The Man Of Steel Action 1988 N/C
Survivor Action 1987 N/C
Suspect Aventure 1986 N/C
Suspended : A Cryogenic Nightmare Aventure 1986 N/C
SWAP Puzzle game 1990 N/C
Sweevo's World Action 1986 N/C
Switchblade Plates-formes 1991 N/C
SWIV Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 N/C
Swords & Sorcery Jeu de Rôle 1985 N/C
Ténèbres Aventure 1986 N/C
Tai-Pan Action 1986 N/C
Taito's Super Space Invaders Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 N/C
Tank Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 N/C
Tank Attack Stratégie 1989 N/C
Tank Commander Simulation 1986 N/C
Target Renegade Beat\'em\'All 1988 N/C
Targhan Aventure 1990 N/C
Tarzan Action 1986 N/C
Tau Ceti Simulation 1986 N/C
Tau Ceti : The Special Edition Simulation 1986 N/C
Techno-Cop Action 1988 N/C
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Plates-formes 1990 N/C
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2 : The Coin-Op ! Beat\'em\'All 1991 N/C
Teenage Queen Jeu de cartes 1989 N/C
Tempest Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 N/C
Tennis 3D Sport 1985 N/C
Tennis Cup Sport 1990 N/C
Tensions Jeu de cartes 1986 N/C
Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Action 1991 N/C
Terramex Action 1988 N/C
Terres et Conquérants Stratégie 1989 N/C
Terror Of The Deep Aventure 1987 N/C
Tetris Puzzle game 1987 N/C
Thai Boxing Combat 1986 N/C
Thanatos Shoot\'em\'Up 1986 N/C
The Addams Family Plates-formes 1992 N/C
The Amazing Shrinking Man Plates-formes 1986 N/C
The Amazing Spider-Man And Captain America In Dr.... Combat 1989 N/C
The Armageddon Man Stratégie 1987 N/C
The Bard's Tale Jeu de Rôle 1988 N/C
The Blues Brothers Plates-formes 1991 N/C
The Chessmaster 2000 Réflexion 1990 N/C
The Cycles : International Grand Prix Racing Course 1990 N/C
The Dam Busters Simulateur de vol 1986 N/C
The Deep Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 N/C
The Devils Crown Action 1985 N/C
The Duel : Test Drive II Simulation 1989 N/C
The Eidolon Aventure 1986 N/C
The Famous Five : Five On A Treasure Island Aventure 1990 N/C
The Fifth Axis Action 1985 N/C
The Fifth Quadrant Action 1987 N/C
The Final Matrix Action 1987 N/C
The Flintstones Action 1988 N/C
The Fury Course 1988 N/C
The Games : Summer Edition Sport 1989 N/C
The Games : Winter Editon Sport 1988 N/C
The Great Escape Action 1986 N/C
The Guild Of Thieves Aventure 1987 N/C
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Aventure 1984 N/C
The Hunt For Red October : The Ultimate Submarine... Simulation 1987 N/C
The Inheritance - Panic In Las Vegas Aventure 1986 N/C
The Jungle Book Action 1989 N/C
The Last Mission Action 1987 N/C
The Light Corridor Action 1990 N/C
The Lords Of Midnight Aventure 1985 N/C
The Munsters Action 1989 N/C
The Never Ending Story Aventure 1985 N/C
The New Zealand Story Plates-formes 1989 N/C
The Ninja Warriors Beat\'em\'All 1989 N/C
The Pawn Aventure 1988 N/C
The Real Ghostbusters Action 1989 N/C
The Rocky Horror Show Action 1984 N/C
The Running Man Beat\'em\'All 1989 N/C
The Sacred Armour Of Antiriad Plates-formes 1986 N/C
The Scout Steps Out Plates-formes 1985 N/C
The Sentinel : Gold Edition Réflexion 1987 N/C
The Simpsons : Bart Vs The Space Mutants Plates-formes 1991 N/C
The Untouchables Tir 1989 N/C
The Vindicator ! Action 1988 N/C
The Way Of The Tiger Combat 1986 N/C
They $tole A Million Gestion 1986 N/C
Thing Bounces Back Plates-formes 1987 N/C
Thing On A Spring Plates-formes 1986 N/C
Thundercats Beat\'em\'All 1987 N/C
Titan Casse Briques 1988 N/C
Tortues Ninja 2 : Le Coin-Op ! Beat\'em\'All 1991 N/C
Total Recall Action 1991 N/C
Toujours Prêt ! Plates-formes 1985 N/C
Tour De Force Sport 1987 N/C
Toyota Celica GT Rally Course 1991 N/C
Traffic : Can You Help ? Action 1985 N/C
Triaxos Action 1987 N/C
Trivial Pursuit : A New Beginning Quizz Game 1988 N/C
Trivial Pursuit : Baby Boomer Edition Quizz Game 1986 N/C
Trivial Pursuit : Edition Genus Quizz Game 1986 N/C
Trivial Pursuit : La Révolution... Quizz Game 1989 N/C
Trivial Pursuit : L' Édition De Noël Compilation 1988 N/C
Trivial Pursuit : Nouvelle... Quizz Game 1988 N/C
Trivial Pursuit : Young Players Edition Quizz Game 1986 N/C
TT Racer Course 1986 N/C
Tujad Action 1986 N/C
Turbo Esprit Course 1986 N/C
Turbo Out Run Course 1989 N/C
Turlogh Le Rodeur Jeu de Rôle 1988 N/C
Turrican Plates-formes 1990 N/C
Turrican II : The Final Fight Plates-formes 1991 N/C
Tusker Action 1990 N/C
TwinWorld Plates-formes 1990 N/C
Typhoon Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 N/C
Tyrann Jeu de Rôle 1985 N/C
U.N. Squadron Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 N/C
Uchi-Mata Sport 1987 N/C
Ultron 1 Action 1987 N/C
V Action 1986 N/C
Vendetta Action 1990 N/C
Vera Cruz Aventure 1985 N/C
Victory Road : The Pathway To Fear Action 1986 N/C
Vigilante Beat\'em\'All 1989 N/C
Vindicators Action 1988 N/C
Vixen Plates-formes 1988 N/C
Volley-Ball Sport 1987 N/C
Volleyball Simulator Sport 1987 N/C
Voyage Au Centre De La Terre Aventure 1988 N/C
Vulcan : The Tunisian Campaign Stratégie 1987 N/C
Wanderer 3D Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 N/C
Warlock Action 1987 N/C
Warrior + : Nouvelle Version Jeu de Rôle 1986 N/C
Waterloo Stratégie 1986 N/C
Wec Le Mans Course 1988 N/C
Welltris Réflexion 1990 N/C
Werewolves Of London Action 1987 N/C
Western Games Sport 1988 N/C
Westphaser Tir 1989 N/C
Who Dares Wins II Action 1986 N/C
Wild Streets Beat\'em\'All 1989 N/C
Wind Surf Willy Sport 1989 N/C
Wings Of Fury Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 N/C
Winter Games Sport 1986 N/C
Winter Sports Sport 1985 N/C
Wizard Warz Aventure 1987 N/C
Wizard's Lair Aventure 1985 N/C
Wizball Action 2021 N/C
Wonder Boy Plates-formes 1987 N/C
World Championship Boxing Manager Gestion 1990 N/C
World Class Leaderboard : The Ultimate Golf... Sport 1987 N/C
World Class Rugby Sport 1991 N/C
World Cup Carnival Sport 1986 N/C
World Cup Soccer : Italia 90' Sport 1990 N/C
World Games Sport 1987 N/C
Wriggler - Romantic Robot Action 1985 N/C
WWF Wrestle Mania Sport 1991 N/C
X-Out Shoot\'em\'Up 2021 N/C
XARQ : The Zimmerman Trenches Action 1986 N/C
Xenon Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 N/C
Xenophobe : Exterminate The Aliens Action 1989 N/C
Xevious Shoot\'em\'Up 1986 N/C
Xor Puzzle game 1987 N/C
Xybots Action 1989 N/C
Xyphoes Fantasy Action 1991 90%
Yes Prime Minister : The Computer Game Gestion 1987 N/C
Yie Ar Kung-Fu Combat 1985 N/C
Yie Ar Kung-Fu II Combat 2021 N/C
Z Comme Zark Davor Shoot\'em\'Up 1985 N/C
Zaxx Shoot\'em\'Up 1986 N/C
Ziggurat Aventure 1988 N/C
Zoids : The Battle Begins Simulation 1986 N/C
Zombi Aventure 1986 N/C
Zork I Aventure 1986 N/C
Zork II Aventure 2014 N/C
Zork III Aventure 1986 N/C
Zorro Plates-formes 1985 N/C
Zox 2099 Action 1987 N/C
Zynaps Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 N/C
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360